Santa Claus

Santa Claus

A skinnier-than-you’d-expect guy was seeking a look with a cooler, more adult feel. I’m not sure if he was the real deal, but I did find a pony under the tree that year.
Rowmark lettering

Rowmark lettering

Rowmark has a very ’70s logo for their ski team. For their hats for sale, they wanted something that wasn’t mired in a stiff time warp. They got this take on their name with the added ingredient, verve.


Massage and body work. In addition to the round logo mark, I concocted the lettering style to further promote the soft, enveloping feeling. There’s another version for horses, too.
Fred Coyote, Author

Fred Coyote, Author

Mr. Coyote is more than an author; he’s a brand. The playful trickster is as important to his message as is the powerful canine hunter. The letters and coyote brushwork are from dozens of strokes of the brush, with the best assembled together.


“Just a Bunch of Old Men” is, well, exactly that—a classic rock band that at one point had a keyboard / trumpet / cowbell / vocalist who could also design logos.